Appliances & Equipment
Auto Garage Open, Cooktop, Dishwasher, Generator Hookup, Hookup, Microwave, Refrigerator, Washer/Dryer Hookup
5,030 total living square feet, 6,705 total square feet, Built in 2025, Year built description: Under Construction, Square footage source: Floor Plan, Model name: Custom, Block, CBS, Concrete, Contemporary, Cabana Bath, Den/Office, Laundry-Inside, Laundry-Util/Closet, Pool Bath
Central, Paddle Fans, Zoned
Exterior Features
Auto Sprinkler, Built-in Grill, Covered Balcony, Custom Lighting, Open Patio, Summer Kitchen
Home Owner's Association
Homeowners association: None
Interior Features
Unfurnished, Elevator, Entry Lvl Lvng Area, Foyer, French Door, Kitchen Island, Pantry, Roman Tub, Split Bedroom, Upstairs Living Area, Volume Ceiling, Walk-in Closet
Lot dimensions: 75 x 132, 9,878 lot square feet, < 1/4 Acre, Interior Lot
Primary Bedroom
Mstr Bdrm - Ground, Separate Shower, Separate Tub
Business name: Yes, No Wake Zone, Private Dock, Up to 20 Ft Boat, Up to 40 Ft Boat, Up to 50 Ft Boat, Up to 60 Ft Boat
Drive - Decorative, Garage - Attached
Concrete, Heated, Salt Chlorination
Zoning: RS, Waterfront: Yes, Development name: PIRATES COVE, Canal, Lake, Canal Width 81 - 120, No Fixed Bridges, Seawall
Security Features
Security Sys-Owned
Taxes: $27,880, Tax year: 2024, City/County, New Construction